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Health and Safety

Glucina takes the issue of Health and Safety in Employment very seriously. When the original Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992 came into existence, Glucina Directors, Management and Staff were immediately on board, working hard to meet the requirements of the Act at all levels within our company.

The remelting of scrap metal, in particular aluminium, is potentially an extremely hazardous process. Aside from the obvious hazard of a burn from molten metal, a combination of water and molten aluminium can result in one of the most explosive situations known to mankind.

It is essential to have a robust Health and Safety Management system. One of the most important steps is to produce a detailed Hazards Register. This is a live document that records potential dangers to people within the manufacturing plant. In the majority of cases, hazards can not be eliminated nor isolated and the only option is to protect employees and sub contractors (this includes robust procedures, training and provision of all relevant personal protective safety equipment).

All staff attend weekly toolbox meetings where new potential hazards are highlighted, discussed and steps put in place to eliminate any risk of harm.